what is cloud computing?
Cloud Computing:
Consider your friend is a graphic designer. He needs software systems according to his requirement.
In other case some one needs Microsoft applications for there office use. You and your sister needs Linux platform Who is an engineering student.
So if every one needs different applications & platforms they have to spend thousands of money For those system licenses more over for every two or three years the above maintained applications come with new versions.
This means every version needs investment.
Cloud computing giving you platforms (widows, Linux, etc) then any application for your requirement on the basis of
Pay for usage method. (In any network diagram a cloud symbol indicates internet).
Ø If your hard disk doesn’t have enough memory for storing data. Then you can lend memory space from cloud.
Ø You can borrow a system form cloud which capable of running your heavy application.
Ø Consider a case your using windows platform and your friend has sent an attachment from apple system. It opens only
Ø With apple system software so you can borrow an apple machine from cloud and you can view that application for minimum charges on basis of time.
This cloud computing technology will bring lot of change in IT sectors also it saves lot of money.
Three types of services:
It is not a programming language. It acts as a service providing technology for seekers.
It provides hardware requirements (storage, memory, process power, etc) for who ever in need.
It provides platforms like Linux, windows, android, java, .Net like operating systems.
It also provides soft wares for education, finance, documents, etc.
Category: Cloud-Computing