Hello World PHP On XAMPP

Unknown | 22:52 | 0 comments

hello world php program

In Previous post we have learned Installing XAMPP on windows 7 operating system.Today we are going to Learn how to execute hello world PHP Program on XAMPP server package.This article will let you know executing PHP and PERL programming languages on cross platform server XAMPP.

Step 1: First start your XAMPP server.I will look like bellow figure.

xampp control panel

Step 2: Open Notepad and Copy and Paste Bellow PHP Hello World Program.
echo "hello world";

Step 3: Save program at C:\xampp\htdocs location and Name it helloworld.php
Step 4: Open Web Browser Example:Chrome and Firefox.
Step 5: Type localhost/helloworld.php and press Enter.
localhost on browser

Step 6: That it your successfully executed. .
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