Guide To Create A Free New Blog

Unknown | 00:39 | 0 comments

new blog for blogger


This post is dedicated to students who wants to create a new blogger blog. In this post  I'll Explain about How you can create a new blog in blogger platform.Before going to create
A  New blog yo should have a Google account already created.

Procedure To Create A New Blog:
Step 1: To create a new blog go to and log in with Google Account
            If you don't have Google Account create one form here.
Step 2: Once you logged in , At the top click on New Blog .
Step 3: Here you need to give Title for your blog  and Proper Name Domain Name for
            for your blog

Step 4: Blogger Platform automatically check for Domain Availability. Once  you see The Blog address
             Available Message, Simply click on Create blog button.
Step 5: Next step is select a template for your blog for now select any template later on you can replace 
             It with your custom Responsive Template
Step 6: To set template to your blog click on Apply to blog as shown bello

Step 7: Thats it your successfully created a new blog for you.Next post I'll explain Writing new posts in blog

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