How to Use and Installation of AIDE Intrusion Detection
AIDE (Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment) is a file and directory integrity checker
It creates a database from the regular expression rules that it finds from the config file(s). Once this database is
Installation Procedure:
1. Install AIDE package on CentOS/RHEL:
# yum install -y aide
2. Check and adjust aide configuration file to fulfill your needs:
# vim /etc/aide. conf
3. Initialize AIDE database - it will scan all the files in folders that were included in the config file and save their hash as well as attributes info
Once initialized we may see below line
### AIDE database at /var/lib/aide/aide. db . new . gz initialized.
4. we need to modify newly created database with mv command
5. Check the database before making any changes
6. Make any changes Ex : touch /usr/sbin/mytestfile.txt( just relating any file to test)
7. You may consider keeping golden copy of AIDE database (default is set to /var/lib/aide/aide. db . gz ) is secure and read-only location. It will allow you to compare current system integrity to the golden copy.
To check what changed run:
# aide -C
Category: AIDE, Linux, networkingtricks, opensourcetools, Security, Tips and Tricks