step by step guide to install oracle virtual box

Unknown | 08:47 | 0 comments

virtual box installation

Que:Do you want to learn Linux or Any But  Do not willing to install that , Still you can
         explore any operating system?                                                                             
Sol :Yes,You can,Use Visualization Software's.                                                            

Popular Solutions: Oracle Virtual Box , VMWARE.

Oracle Virtual Box:[]

VirtualBox is powerful Cross-platform Virtualization Software for x86-based systems.
"Cross-platform" means that it installs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and Solaris x86 computers. And "Virtualization Software" means that you can create and run multiple

Virtual Machines, running different operating systems, on the same computer at the
same time. For example, you can run Windows and Linux on your Mac, run Linux and
Solaris on your Windows PC, or run Windows on you Linux systems.Oracle VM VirtualBox
is available as Open Source or pre-built Binaries for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and Solaris.

To day i will guide you to install oracle virtual box in windows operating system


1. Oracle Virtual Box Download from
2.Operating system image file of your choice.

My choice Backtrack Linux:

Procedure to Install:  

Step 1:Download and install Oracle Virtual Box from and open it.

virtualbox start

Step 2: Click on New option to configure options.

configuration window

2.1.Give OS name and type of OS and its version name of your choice.
2.2.Select Memory size i suggest +1 GB.
2.3.Select  Create a virtual hard drive  under Hard Drive.
2.4.Click create to proceed.

Step 3:Configure virtual box to OS disk image.

memory configuration 

Step 4:Click on create option and locate image file

os image locator

4.1.Click on file explorer icon.

os iso image

Step 5: After this start Virtual Box

virtual box home page

5.1.Select and click on start option.
5.2.Wait a while and it automatically begins 

backtrack command prompt

Step 6: For me its Backtrack Linux.
Step 7: That's it  your done! Your comments are valuable.

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